RAM HEAD: 50+ Common Dolphins, 3 Porpoises & a breaching Basking Shark (A. Malcolm).
Nr CROHAUN: 3 or 4 Grasshopper Warblers singing this evening (MC).
Welcome to the Waterford Birds blog, supplementing the Recent reports page of the main Waterford Birds website www.waterfordbirds.com. If it's not there yet it may be here (real-time postings when possible), along with extra details. Please post any updates, new reports or corrections by texting 0861701599 (alternatively - but this may delay dissemination of news - click Comments). The main website will be updated (including photos) at next opportunity.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Nr MAHON BRIDGE: Major passage of Painted Ladies heading NNW especially since 12:00: sample count 375 NNW in 15 mins 12:35-12:50 (1500/hr!) over a c250 m wide silage field. Passage apparently less dense across a wider front, with several other sample counts suggesting up to 250-300/hr across 100-200-m bands but less than this at times or from some vantage points. Including incidental observations throughout tetrads S30 G, H, L & M, minimum total 785 Painted Ladies counted in Lemybrien / Mahon Bridge area today (08:30-14:15). 4 migrant Silver Y moths also recorded, & a Spotted Flycatcher SE of Mahon Bridge (PMW).
LEMYBRIEN to TRAMORE BACKSTRAND: A further 30 Painted Ladies flying N or NW across road, 14:30-15:10 (PMW).
BROWNSTOWN HEAD: A Silver Y caught in moth-traps last night (PMW).
LEMYBRIEN to TRAMORE BACKSTRAND: A further 30 Painted Ladies flying N or NW across road, 14:30-15:10 (PMW).
BROWNSTOWN HEAD: A Silver Y caught in moth-traps last night (PMW).
Friday, May 29, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
ATLANTIC CHARTS (c) Met Eireann: Looking good for migrants (insects at least...)

CARRIGNAGOUR (nr Lismore): Spotted Flycatcher (Andrew Malcolm).
DRUM HILLS: Totals of singing warblers in & around young forestry, Garrynagree / Scordaun area (tetrads X28I & N mainly): 4 Sedge Warblers, 6 Whitethroats, 3 Blackcaps, 20 Willow Warblers & 9 Chiffchaffs, 09:45-13:15 (PMW).

CARRIGNAGOUR (nr Lismore): Spotted Flycatcher (Andrew Malcolm).
DRUM HILLS: Totals of singing warblers in & around young forestry, Garrynagree / Scordaun area (tetrads X28I & N mainly): 4 Sedge Warblers, 6 Whitethroats, 3 Blackcaps, 20 Willow Warblers & 9 Chiffchaffs, 09:45-13:15 (PMW).
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
WATERFORD BREEDING BIRD ATLAS update: Known coverage since 1st April this year is mapped below by 2-km tetrad - 1+ hr coverage x71 tetrads (13%, largest dots), all records x 169+ tetrads (31% of county total). This includes localities for all records submitted here or to main website. Click here for further details & larger map, also species maps from previous years.

Monday May 25, 2009
NIER VALLEY / COMERAGHS: Spotted Flycatcher near Knockalisheen, Cuckoo near Moanyarha (DMcG).
Monday May 25, 2009
NIER VALLEY / COMERAGHS: Spotted Flycatcher near Knockalisheen, Cuckoo near Moanyarha (DMcG).
Sunday, May 24, 2009
KNOCKMEALDOWN MOUNTAINS: Red Grouse & Cuckoo, Ballysaggart area (John Power & Bernie Sheridan).
TRAMORE BACKSTRAND: Some lingering or late passage waders still about - 15 Whimbrel, 8 Curlew & 90+ Oystercatcher at Ballinattin & spits, 4 Redshank at Clohernagh (PMW).
DUNHILL CASTLE: Spotted Flycatcher (Declan McGrath).
Saturday, May 23, 2009
BROWNSTOWN HEAD: 1 Red-throated Diver W, 740 Manx Shearwaters W (47 E) & 164 Gannets W (21 E) in a 1-hr evening seawatch (20:10-21:10, wind f.3 W); 2 Swifts W over the head @ 21:30. Migrant insects - a Painted Lady on clifftop today, while 2 Dark Sword-grass & a Diamond-back Moth trapped tonight were the first migrant moths here this spring (PMW).
TRAMORE BACKSTRAND: 2 Choughs at Lisselan (new racecourse), also 3 Swifts & 20+ House Martins feeding low over the lake there (PMW).
TRAMORE BACKSTRAND: 2 Choughs at Lisselan (new racecourse), also 3 Swifts & 20+ House Martins feeding low over the lake there (PMW).
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
HELVICK HEAD: Seawatch 18:45-19:15 1 Pomarine Skua, 2 unidentified Skuas (extremely distant but probably Pomarine), 4 Storm Petrels and 1 Black Guillemot west. Winds not as strong this evening resulting in much quieter passage of birds close to shore. ( MC ) DUNGARVAN TOWN: Tufted Duck again at the new town park nr Dunnes Stores, this morning, accompanied by a resident Moorhen & visiting Mute Swan (Eugene Burke). |
Monday, May 18, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
HELVICK HEAD: (Seawatch 19:15-20:45) 1 Adult SABINE'S GULL*, 11 Arctic Terns, 3 Storm Petrels, 1 Great Skua, 3 unidentified Skuas (probable Pomarines but uncertain due to distance) and 14 light phase Pomarine Skuas flew west. The flock of 14 were part of a larger flock originally found by D Clarke this evening. After resting in the bay for roughly an hour, the birds continued west. 1 unidentified cetacean was also seen briefly from the cove. ( MC ) |
*An adult Sabine's Gull - the same one? - was seen later the same evening off Ballycotton (Co Cork), 30+ km SW of Helvick.
BALLYNACOURTY POINT: 22+ Pomarine Skuas (DC).
CLONEA STRAND: 2 Spotted Flycatchers at Ballinclamper (DC).
Thursday, May 14, 2009
ON THIS DATE: Also while things are quiet, see the graph below for an indication of the best rarity-finding dates in Co Waterford, based on records since 1953. Click here for a full list sorted by date.

WATERFORD BREEDING BIRD ATLAS: General birding is quiet at the moment but good progress is being made with the Atlas - map below summarizes known coverage between 1st April and 13th May 2009. The largest dots represent timed coverage of 2+ hours (1 tetrad) or 1+ hour (at least 51 tetrads, 9% of county total); including casual/roving records, at least 139 tetrads (26% of the c540 in the county) have had some coverage this season. See further details and species maps from previous seasons.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Sunday, May 10, 2009
CLONEA STRAND: At Ballinclamper, Merlin (killed House Sparrow on feeder), pair of Shelduck, 18 Whimbrel, 22 Sanderling, 23 Dunlin, 32 Turnstones & 3 Wheatears (Declan Clarke).
BROWNSTOWN HEAD: Small(!) arrival of migrants - Grasshopper Warbler, Spotted Flycatcher (1st of year), 2 Sedge Warblers & a Wheatear - with calming & shift of wind overnight from SW to NE (PMW).
TRAMORE BACKSTRAND: 20 Whimbrel at Ballinattin.
BROWNSTOWN HEAD: Small(!) arrival of migrants - Grasshopper Warbler, Spotted Flycatcher (1st of year), 2 Sedge Warblers & a Wheatear - with calming & shift of wind overnight from SW to NE (PMW).
TRAMORE BACKSTRAND: 20 Whimbrel at Ballinattin.
Saturday, May 09, 2009
BALLYVOONEY: Ringtail Hen Harrier. HELVICK HEAD: Wheatear BALLINCLAMPER: 4 Wheatears RAM HEAD: Wheatear, 2 Stock Doves, Great Northern Diver flying west. DUNGARVAN TOWN: 2 Great Northern Divers flying west over town @6am. A number of Swifts seen today between Dungarvan and Knockaderry Lake via coast road. (MC) |
Friday, May 08, 2009
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
BROWNSTOWN HEAD: Pomarine Skua E & 340 Manx Shearwaters W (2E) in a 1-hr seawatch (7-8 pm, wind f. 7-8 SW); also 93 Gannets W (1 E), 9Fulmars W (1 E), 29 Kittiwakes W, 125 Guillemots W (3 E), 1 Razorbill W & 2 Whimbrels W (PMW).
DUNMORE EAST: 2 Black Guillemots on sea east of the pier/seawall @ 6.30 pm - possibly birds from Portally or Creadan Head (PMW).
DUNMORE EAST: 2 Black Guillemots on sea east of the pier/seawall @ 6.30 pm - possibly birds from Portally or Creadan Head (PMW).
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Monday, May 04, 2009
BROWNSTOWN HEAD: Single Pomarine Skua (1st of yr) & Great Skua east during a 1-hr seawatch (10.18-11.18 am, wind f.4-5 SW); also 39 Manx Shearwaters W (+ 15 feeding), 24 Gannets W (3 E), 4 Fulmars W, 9 Kittiwakes W (3 E), 16 Sandwich Terns W & 24 large auks W (17 Razorbill, 1 Guillemot). Landbirds included 5 Swifts (mainly W) & 2 Wheatears (PMW); also 15 Whimbrel in fields.
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Saturday, May 02, 2009
Friday, May 01, 2009
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