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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

TRAMORE BACKSTRAND: GLOSSY IBIS still at Clohernagh, roosting in tree with Little Egrets at high tide (JAP).

DUNGARVAN: Adult Mediterranean Gull & juvenile Curlew Sandpiper at Barnawee (FO'C).

Sunday, September 28, 2014

CLONEA:  2 juvenile Little Stints, juvenile Ruff, Curlew Sandpiper & Wheatear at Ballinclamper (JAP, BS).
WHITING BAY:  3 Mediterranean Gulls (ADM).

RAM HEAD:  2 Minke Whales, 100+ Common Dolphins & 4 Porpoises ( seawatch 15:40-17:00, ").

Saturday, September 27, 2014


ARDMORE:  4 Tree Sparrows at Goat Island Road, 2 adult Mediterranean Gulls at Curragh and probably same 2 later in harbour (").

WHITING BAY: 1st-winter and 2nd-summer Mediterranean Gulls (").

ARDMORE/WHITING BAY: Total of 5 White Wagtails various locations, also 100s of Skylarks west, male Blackcap & juvenile Hen Harrier (").

Thursday, September 25, 2014

TRAMORE BACKSTRAND:  GLOSSY IBIS again at Clohernagh inlet, in tree on south shore at 17:00 (AJ).

DUNMORE EAST:  possible 'omissus'-type (eastern Baltic?) Herring Gull, adult with yellow legs inside seawall (KA, AJ).
KILMEADEN POOLS:  Green Sandpiper (MC).

CLONEA:  Juvenile Ruff & adult Mediterranean Gull at Ballinard (FO'C, SMH).

DUNGARVAN:  15 Ravens going east (").

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

CLONEA: 2 adult & 1 2cy Mediterranean Gull & juvenile Ruff at Ballinclamper (MC).
TRAMORE BACKSTRAND:  GLOSSY IBIS still at Clohernagh inlet, 1525 (JF) & 15:45-16:30 (KA).
TRAMORE BACKSTRAND:  GLOSSY IBIS again showing very well at Clohernagh inlet, 09:45 (CF); also at 12:00 plus a Kingfisher (AJ).

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

CLONEA: Little Stint & adult Mediterranean Gull at Ballinclamper (MC snr).
TRAMORE BACKSTRAND:  GLOSSY IBIS again at Clohernagh inlet, very close to roadside at 11:10 (JDP).

Monday, September 22, 2014

CLONEA:  2 adult Mediterranean Gulls at Ballinclamper (MC snr).

Sunday, September 21, 2014

DUNGARVAN:  4 Little Stints, 2 Curlew Sandpipers, 8 Brent Geese, Migrant Hawker & Clouded Yellow (EAMacL).
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  8 Wheatears, Spotted Flycatcher, 5+ Chiffchaffs, 4 Tree Sparrows, 17 Choughs, 2 Migrant Hawkers & a Clouded Yellow (AJ, PMW).
Seawatch 08:15-10:15 (wind f.2 NE, PMW):
Red-throated Diver: 2 E.
Common Scoter: 21 E, 6 W.
Wigeon: 8 W.
Manx Shearwater: 17 E.
Fulmar: 1 E.
Gannet: 195E, 38 W.
Kittiwake: 12 E, 24 W.
Swallow: 720+ E.
Meadow Pipit: 250+ E (also 50+ on land earlier).
White Wagtail: 2 E.

TRAMORE BACKSTRAND:  3 Stock Doves, 4 Wheatears at Lisselan  (AJ), 16 Brent Geese off Saleen (PMW).

HELVICK HEAD:  Spotted Flycatcher & 5 Chiffchaffs (PMW).
RAM HEAD:  7 Common Scoter, 2 Fin Whales, 20 Common Dolphins & a Porpoise (ADM).
TRAMORE BACKSTRAND: GLOSSY IBIS again at Clohernagh, feeding in channel at low tide, 10:00 (JDP).

Saturday, September 20, 2014

TRAMORE BACKSTRAND:  GLOSSY IBIS at Clohernagh inlet, 1300 (AA); Kingfisher, 32 Brent Geese (landed 13:30-14:00), 6 Wheatears & a Clouded Yellow at Lisselan (AJ).

DUNGARVAN:  Yellow Wagtail (flyover), 3 Little Stints & a Clouded yellow at the Cunnigar (MC).

HELVICK HEAD:  Spotted Flycatcher (").

ARDMORE:  Female Yellowhammer on the "top road" (LO'B).
NEWTOWN COVE: Common Lizard (LR).

Friday, September 19, 2014

HELVICK HEAD:  2 Spotted Flycatchers, 2 Whitethroats, male Blackcap & small numbers of Chiffchaffs & Willow Warblers (JAP).

DUNGARVAN: Adult Mediterranean Gull at Ballynagaul, 2 Common Sandpipers at Killongford pools (").

DUNGARVAN: Short-eared Owl on the Cunnigar (FO'C),
DUNGARVAN: 4 juvenile Curlew Sandpipers, a juvenile Ruff & a Common Sandpiper at Ballyneety (FO'C).

Thursday, September 18, 2014

BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  Short-eared Owl, 2 Great Skuas (E), 2 Whinchats, Spotted Flycatcher, Whitethroat & female Blackcap this evening (MC).
DUNGARVAN:  Juvenile Curlew Sandpiper at Ballyneety (FO'C).
DUNMORE EAST:  Little Tern (DC).

TRAMORE BAY:  Great Northern Diver flew in from east, viewed from Great Newtown Head (AJ).

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  2 Whinchats & a Spotted Flycatcher (MC).

DUNGARVAN:  Juvenile Ruff at Ballyneety bridge (FO'C).
DUNGARVAN: Juvenile Little Stint at the Cunnigar (FO'C).

CLONEA: Little Stint at Ballinclamper (MC snr).

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  HOOPOE this evening, chased inland by crows & not allowed to settle (MC).  VIDEO
TRAMORE BACKSTRAND:  At Lisselan - Kingfisher, Ruff on main pond (swimming among ducks), female Shoveler, 16 Little Egrets, 5 Wheatears & a Clouded Yellow (AJ).

Monday, September 15, 2014

DUNGARVAN:  Pied Flycatcher at old railway track, Abbeyside; 2 juvenile Curlew Sandpipers & a Common Sandpiper at Ballyneety (FO'C).

DUNMORE EAST:  9 Knot at the pier (KA).

Sunday, September 14, 2014

BALLYVOILE: 3 Clouded Yellow butterflies. (MC)

Saturday, September 13, 2014

CLONEA:  WRYNECK found dead (MK).

ANNESTOWN: Kingfisher. (MC, CF, DW)

BROWNSTOWN HEAD: Yellow Wagtail, 3 Spotted Flycatchers, 1 Whitethroat & 1 Little Egret. (")

CLONEA: 2 juvenile Little Stints @ Ballinclamper. 100+ White Wagtails between Ballinclamper & Ballinard. 2 Common Sandpipers @ Ballinard. (")

DUNGARVAN: 3 Stock Doves, 1 juvenile Ruff & 4 juvenile Curlew Sandpipers @ Ballyneety (MC, CF, DW); also 2 adult Curlew Sandpipers at Ballyneety, juvenile Little Stint, 2 juvenile Curlew Sandpipers & adult Common Tern at the Cunnigar, Kingfisher, Water Rail calling, 2 Common Sandpipers & 4 Sedge Warblers (JAP, FO'C, BS).

HELVICK: Adult Mediterranean Gull (MC, CF, DW, JAP, FO'C, BS); Swift high over high car-park & a Spotted Flycatcher (JAP, FO'C, BS).

FERRYPOINT:  2 Clouded Yellows (JAP, FO'C, BS).

VARIOUS SITES:  Total 83 species for the day (').

WATERFORD CITY:  Kingfisher by the Courthouse bridge, People's Park (AJ).

Friday, September 12, 2014

BROWNSTOWN HEAD: Pied Flycatcher along main lane, 2 Spotted Flycatchers, single Wheatear, Chiffchaff & Goldcrest, & 2 Clouded Yellows (DS); juvenile Whinchat around the towers (AJ).

DUNGARVAN: Juvenile Little Stint & 2 Curlew Sandpipers on the Cunnigar (FO'C).

Thursday, September 11, 2014

BROWNSTOWN HEAD: WRYNECK along stream/gulley near tip of head, showing well on ground (MC) - 5th site record, 3rd for this particular location.
CLONEA: Juvenile Little Stint at Ballinard (FO'C).


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

ARDMORE: Mediterranean Gull, 40 White Wagtails & a Wheatear at Curragh (ADM).

Tuesday, September 09, 2014

RAM HEAD:  12 Robins (SH).

BALLYVOYLE: Merlin & Clouded Yellow (AJ, KA, MC snr).

Monday, September 08, 2014

CLONEA:  4 Mediterranean Gulls (3 adults & a 2nd-summer) at Ballinclamper (MC snr).

DUNGARVAN:  Green Sandpiper, 2 Common Sandpipers & Whimbrel at Killongford pools (JAP).


EAST WATERFORD:  2 Buzzards (").

GREAT NEWTOWN HEAD:  Minke Whale offshore (AJ), also seen from Brownstown Head (PMW).
BROWNSTOWN HEAD: GREAT SHEARWATER close inshore again with Manx flock at 18:45 (MC).

BROWNSTOWN HEAD: GREAT SHEARWATER feeding again this morning with raft of 4000+ Manx Shearwaters close inshore off SW cliffs, also 8 Common Scoter E & 2 Black Guillemots (DS); on land, Sedge Warbler, 2 Whitethroats, 10+ Chiffchaffs, 2+ Willow Warblers, a Migrant Hawker, 2 Clouded Yellows & 30+ Red Admirals (DS, PMW).

DUNGARVAN: Juvenile Little Stint &  White Wagtail on the Cunnigar (PMW).

Sunday, September 07, 2014

DUNGARVAN:  PECTORAL SANDPIPER, 3 juvenile Curlew Sandpipers, 1 juv Little Stint, 3 Whimbrel, 12 + Clouded Yellow, 1 Small Copper & a large fall if Small Tortoiseshell - all on the Cunnigar (JAP, FO'C, EAMacL).
ARDMORE: 20+ White Wagtails and a 1CY Mediterranean Gull on Ardmore beach, adult & 1CY Med Gull & 8 White Wagtails on Curragh beach (MC).
BROWNSTOWN HEAD: CORY'S SHEARWATER E (17:10), GREAT SHEARWATER feeding (17:45), both very  close inshore, also juvenile Mediterranean Gull feeding, Sooty Shearwater E & 3300 Manx Shearwaters E plus another 500 Manx feeding (seawatch 17:05-17:45, wind 2 NW); on land, single Sedge Warbler, Whitethroat & female Blackcap, 250+ Swallows & 23 Red Admirals (PMW).


WHITING BAY: 4 White Wagtails (").

WEST WATERFORD: Buzzard at 2 locations (").

Saturday, September 06, 2014

CLONEA: Adult Mediterranean Gull at Ballinclamper (MC snr).
DUNGARVAN: also juvenile PECTORAL SANDPIPER (new bird after adult last month), juvenile Little Gull & Whote Wagtail on the Cunnigar (MC, CF).
DUNGARVAN: 2 juvenile Curlew Sandpipers, juvenile Little Stint & eclipse drake Pintail at the Cunnigar (MC, CF).

HELVICK HEAD: 3 Spotted Flycatchers & male Blackcap (").

WEST WATERFORD: Buzzard (").
DUNGARVAN: Adult Mediterranean Gull at Barnawee (MC snr).
CALISO BAY: OSPREY flew west 0950 or earlier (FO'C, JAP, BS, EAMacL).

Friday, September 05, 2014

CLONEA:  4 Roseate Terns (2 adults & 2 juveniles), Great Skua, 2 Mediterranean Gulls (adult & 3CY) & 8 White Wagtails at Ballinard this evening (MC).

TRAMORE BACKSTRAND: Juvenile Ruff, Wigeon, 2 Gadwall & 4 Shoveler @ Lisselan (").
DUNGARVAN: Little Stint on the Cunnigar with large flock of small waders (EAMacL).

Thursday, September 05, 2014

WATERFORD CITY: 4 Swifts again at Newport's Square this evening (KA).

Thursday, September 04, 2014

BUNMAHON: 3 Green Sandpipers, Grasshopper Warbler & a Clouded Yellow (DW).

CLONEA: flock of 18 Black Terns (mostly juveniles) heading west past Ballinard at 20:10, & a further 4 juveniles about a minute later. All just going straight west past Helvick (CF).
BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  Reed Warbler in chalet garden, Sedge Warbler, Grasshopper Warbler & Whitethroat (MC).

WATERFORD CITY:  2 Ravens overhead (LR).

EAST WATERFORD:  2 Buzzards (").

Wednesday, September 03, 2014

BROWNSTOWN HEAD: Porpoise offshore. (MC)
HELVICK HEAD:  Hummingbird Hawk-moth tonight, & 2+ Roseate Terns (adult & juvenile) in big tern flock feeding on sprat (CF).

BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  Juvenile Whinchat, Spotted Flycatcher & Whitethroat (MC).

DUNGARVAN:  Whimbrel at the Cunnigar, juvenile Ruff & 2 Common Sandpipers at Killongford pools (JAP, BS, RAW).

CLONEA:  2 juvenile Roseate Terns (").
TRAMORE BACKSTRAND:  11 Knot, 3 Whimbrel & a Short-winged Cone-head at Pickardstown (AJ).
LISMORE:  2 Treecreepers & 6+ Long-tailed Tits at Lady Louisa's Walk (SMH).

WEST WATERFORD:  3 Buzzards (").

Tuesday, September 02, 2014

WATERFORD CITY:  Long-eared Owl, Bilberry @ 23:00 (MC).

CLONEA: Adult & 2 juvenile Roseate Terns @ Ballinard (").

TRAMORE BACKSTRAND: Drake Gadwall @ Lisselan (").
DUNGARVAN: 2 Clouded Yellows on the Cunnigar (SMH).

Monday, September 01, 2014


DUNGARVAN: 2 juvenile Ruff @ Killongford. (")
WATERFORD CITY: 4 Swifts over Newport Square, Ballybricken (KA).
TRAMORE BACKSTRAND: Ruff & 5 Knot at Pickardstown at midday (AJ).
ARDMORE:  5 Mediterranean Gulls, 40 White Wagtails & 200 terns (mostly Sandwich but a few Commic) at Curragh, 2 Mediterranean Gulls at harbour (ADM).
WHITING BAY:  2 White Wagtails (SH).

ARDMORE:  6 Mediterranean Gulls (4 adult & 2 juvenile) at harbour (").
RAM HEAD: Great Shearwater, Bonxie, 2000 Manx Shearwaters & a Porpoise (seawatch 0905-1035, ADM).