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Sunday, November 30, 2014

DUNGARVAN: also male Black Redstart near sports centre, pair of Long-tailed Ducks,  2 pairs of Shoveler + the 2 SPOONBILLS near pitch+putt (FO'C).

WATERFORD CITY:  Male Blackcap in garden at Collins Avenue (TO'C).

WATERFORD HARBOUR:  23-25 Sanderling at Woodstown (").
DERRIGAL (nr Portlaw):  PINK-FOOTED GOOSE showing very well close to the road with 40 Greylags (MC).

DUNGARVAN: Female / 1st-w Black Redstart at Ballynagaul ("); another f/imm Black Redstart at Ballynacourty pier (FO'C); 2 SPOONBILLS & probable Ruddy Shelduck on Cunnigar (ADM).

TRAMORE: Chiffchaff west end Tramore beach. Female Long-tailed Duck & 2 Water Rail at Lisselan (DS).

Saturday, November 29, 2014

EAST WATERFORD: 2 Buzzards. (MC, CF, DW)

TRAMORE: Fem/1st w type Black Redstart @ The Cove. 17 Gadwall & 1 Shoveler @ the boating lake. (")

TRAMORE BACKSTRAND: Long-tailed Duck & 3 Chiffchaffs @ Lisselan. (", LR)


DUNGARVAN: Kingfisher @ the Barnawee. Fem/1st w type Black Redstart @ Ballinacourty Pier. (")

HELVICK HEAD / DUNGARVAN: 4 Black Redstarts & 2 Chiffchaffs, Helvick / Ballynagaul, mostly at Ballynagaul, & another 3 Chiffchaffs at base of the Cunnigar (EAMacL); 2 Whimbrel at Ballynagaul (JAP, BS).

KILBARRY BOG: 3 Water Rails calling (LR).

BLACKWATER CALLOWS:  49 Whooper Swans (TM).
DERRIGAL (nr Portlaw): PINK-FOOTED GOOSE, 9 Whoopers, 38 Greylags & Green Sandpiper (MC, CF, DW).

BALLYSHUNNOCK RES:. Ad Yellow-legged Gull (").
DUNGARVAN: 2 SPOONBILLS (ad & very young juv) Cunnigar opposite pitch & putt (JAP, MC, CF, DW). Male & female Long-tailed Duck, adult Yellow-legged Gull, 117 Shelduck & 5 Shoveler (2 male,  3 female) off pitch & putt (MC, CF, DW).

CLONEA: Adult male winter Black Redstart at Ballinard (JAP).

Friday, November 28, 2014

DUNGARVAN: 2 SPOONBILLS (adult & juv/1st-w) again at Quann's / pitch & putt (CF, FO'C).
TRAMORE: Chiffchaff at west end of beach (DS).

Thursday, November 27, 2014

TRAMORE:  Black Redstart at Ladies' Slip, 7 Gadwall at boating lake, Merlin & 7 Shoveler near spits (AJ); male Blackcap, Tramore town (TB).
DUNGARVAN:  2 SPOONBILLS, 2 Long-tailed Duck (male & female) & 2 pairs of Shoveler off pitch & putt club, Green Sandpiper at Brickey canal (JAP, FO'C).

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

DUNGARVAN:  SPOONBILL, 2 Long-tailed Duck & 2 pairs of Shoveler off pitch & putt course (FO'C).

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

GREAT NEWTOWN HEAD:  Red-throated Diver & 96 Common Scoter (3 flocks) W, Minke Whale outside Tramore Bay (AJ).

Sunday, November 23, 2014

TRAMORE:  3 Black Redstarts on rocks at W end of beach (BH).

DUNGARVAN: pair of Long-tailed Ducks & pair of Shoveler off pitch & putt course (FO'C).
TRAMORE BACKSTRAND:  5 Whooper Swans, 5 Gadwall & a Peacock butterfly at Lisselan, 48 Ringed Plover & c1500 Golden Plover at Backstrand (AJ).

HELVICK to BALLYVOYLE:  2 Fin Whales (MC snr).

IDA Park (nr Waterford city):  20+ Fieldfare & 10 Redwing in stubble field (DS().

Saturday, November 22, 2014

DUNGARVAN: Late juvenile Arctic Tern still present (EAMacL).

BUNMAHON:  Merlin (").

BROWNSTOWN HEAD:  3 Bonxies, Merlin & Tree Sparrow (").

CLOHERNAGH:  Stoat (").
ARDMORE: Adult Yellow-legged Gull @ Curragh/Ballyquin. 15 Tree Sparrows @ Whiting Bay. (MC, CF)

DUNGARVAN: Adult Dark-bellied Brent Goose, female Pintail & 2 Long-tailed Ducks off the pitch & putt club. (") Adult Yellow-legged Gull @ Ballyneety. (MC, CF, MC Sr.)

Thursday, November 20, 2014

DUNGARVAN:  Juvenile Arctic Tern (originally identified as Common Tern yesterday), Merlin & male Shoveler opposite the Cunnigar, Kingfisher at Duckspool (JAP, FO'C).

BALLYVOYLE:  4 Red-throated Divers & a Dipper (").

WEST WATERFORD:  Pair of Buzzards (SMH).

KILBARRY BOG:  Chiffchaff, Water Rail & 12 Long-tailed Tits at Waterford Nature Park; dead Mink on Tramore Road (DS).

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

DUNGARVAN:  Late juvenile Arctic Tern, 3 dark-bellied Brent Geese, 2 female Pintail & pair of Long-tailed Ducks at the Cunnigar, pair of Shoveler off pitch & putt course (FO'C); late Red Admiral at Kilmurray (JAP).
DUNGARVAN (I-WeBS count): Long-tailed Duck between sports centre & Cunnigar, 6 Pintail (2+4) along E shore of Cunnigar, 6 Shoveler N of pitch & putt & totals of 16 Great Northern Divers, 25 Great Crested Grebes & 44 Red-breasted Mergansers around bay (BD, PS, PMW).

HELVICK HEAD: 2 Chiffchaffs in pines above cove (PMW).

BROWNSTOWN HEAD: Female/immature Black Redstart behind main gardens (").

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

TRAMORE BACKSTRAND:  Merlin & 40 Grey Plover (AJ).

Monday, November 17, 2014

TANKARDSTOWN: 3 Fiin Whales & 3 Porpoises (ADM). 

Sunday, November 16, 2014

HELVICK HEAD: 2 Chiffchaffs at Helvick Head (EAMacL).

WATERFORD CITY: Red Admiral at Ferrybank (LR).
WATERFORD HARBOUR: 67 Brent Geese (6 juv) at Raheen / Geneva Strand (AJ).
TRAMORE BACKSTRAND: GLOSSY IBIS, Whooper Swan, 3 Tufted Duck & a Red Admiral at Lisselan (AJ, JF).

Saturday, November 15, 2014

BALLYSHUNNOCK RESERVOIR: Female type Scaup, 18 Tufted Duck & 1 adult Mediterranean Gull. (MC, CF)

TRAMORE BACKSTRAND: Adult Mediterranean Gull, Glossy Ibis, 11 Shoveler, 3 Tufted Duck & 1 Whooper Swan @ Lisselan. (")
TIBBERAGHNY/FIDDOWN:  21 Whooper Swans (6 juv) at Tibberaghny (Co Kilkenny), Jay & 10+ Redpolls on Co Waterford side opposite Tibberaghny & at Fiddown (PMW).

COOLFIN/ DERRIGAL:  2 Whooper Swans at Coolfin, adult Mediterranean Gull at Derrigal (").

Thursday, November 13, 2014

DUNGARVAN:  Pair of Long-tailed Ducks near Cunnigar & 6 Shoveler (4 males & 2 females) off pitch & putt course (FO'C).

DUNMORE EAST:  2 Purple Sandpipers (DC).

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

KILBREE EAST (nr Cappoquin): Short-eared Owl @ 15:15 (LC).
DUNGARVAN:  Pair of Long-tailed Ducks again off pitch & putt course (FO'C), 17 Little Grebes at Ballyneety (MC snr).

ARDMORE:  2 adult Mediterranean Gulls on Ardmore beach, Med Gull with white darvic 'E666' at Curragh, Great Northern Diver at harbour (ADM).

KILBARRY BOG:  Chiffchaff (DS).

Monday, November 10, 2014

HELVICK HEAD: Arctic Skua, 4 Bonxies, 1 Manx Shearwater & 100s of Fulmars, Kittiwakes & auks W (seawatch 14:30-16:30), also female Blackcap at cottages (PV).
CLONEA: 4 Great Northern Divers off Ballinard (SMH).
WATERFORD CITY:  Female Blackcap in garden this morning (DS).

Sunday, November 09, 2014

TRAMORE BACKSTRAND: 16 Gadwall & 3 Shoveler at Lisselan, c1000 Golden Plover at Backstrand (AJ).

BALLYVOYLE: Long-eared Owl (DW).
TRAMORE TOWN: A late House Martin flew over GAA pitch / Beech Park (JF).

DUNGARVAN: Male + female Long-tailed Duck & pair of Shoveler off pitch+putt (FO'C).
BUNMAHON: Ruff & adult Mediterranean Gull (DW).

SEAFIELD: 3 Green Sandpipers (").
RAM HEAD:  Great Skua chasing Short-eared Owl over sea off Mine Head direction, also Great Northern Diver overhead & Painted Lady (ADM).

ARDMORE:  3 Mediterranean Gulls at Curragh, Otter & 2 Porpoises in bay (").

Saturday, November 08, 2014

DUNMORE EAST: 4 Purple Sandpipers. (MC)

TRAMORE BACKSTRAND: 1 Whooper Swan, 9 Shoveler & 9 Gadwall @ Lisselan. Adult Mediterranean Gull @ Saleen. Ruff @ The Estuary. (")

TRAMORE: 9 Gadwall @ the Boating Lake. (")
RAM HEAD:  Late Swallow & 2 Red Admirals (ADM).

ARDMORE: 2 adult Mediterranean Gulls including one ringed bird (NJB, ADM), 2 Great Northern Divers in bay (NJB).
BALLYVOYLE: 25+ Choughs (JAP, BS).

BALLINARD: 11-12 Great Northern Divers (").

DUNGARVAN: Dipper above bridge at Ballyneety (").

TOOR NORTH to CLASHMORE : 3-4 Yellowhammers (").

WHITING BAY: Merlin (")

VARIOUS: Mistle Thrushes in twos and threes very evident in widespread locations (").
BALLYSHUNNOCK RESERVOIR: Adult Yellow-legged Gull with large flock of gulls washing and female Scaup on main lake, also 10 Whooper Swans ,2 Coot and 11 Tufted Duck (CF).

TRAMORE BACKSTRAND:  GLOSSY IBIS at Clohernagh inlet at 11:50, then flew W (PMW).

Friday, November 07, 2014

BLACKWATER CALLOWS:  60 Whooper Swans (TM).

DUNGARVAN:  6 Shoveler (3 male & 3 female) off pitch & putt course (FO'C).

Thursday, November 06, 2014

CLONEA:  Grey Phalarope at Ballinclamper, 16:45 (DC).

Wednesday, November 05, 2014

DUNGARVAN: Male + female Pintail & 4 male Shoveler (FO 'C).

ARDMORE: 6 Mediterranean Gulls at Curragh (ADM).

RAM HEAD: Great Northern Diver, 2 Porpoises & a Painted Lady (").


TRAMORE BACKSTRAND: 2 Painted Ladies & 2 Red Admirals (").

BROWNSTOWN HEAD: 4 Red Admirals, otherwise quiet (").
Tuesday, November 04, 2014

TRAMORE: Long-tailed Duck flew through spits into 'inner' Backstrand at 14:55 (AJ), later near tip of landfill site, also a Merlin, 23 Gadwall & a Wheatear at Lisselan (JF).

CLONEA: Purple Sandpiper & Sandwich Tern at Ballinclamper (FO'C).


Monday, November 03, 2014

DUNGARVAN: Kingfisher at Barnawee (MC snr).
ARDMORE:  Great Northern Diver just off seawall (NJB).

Sunday, November 02, 2014

TRAMORE BOATING LAKE: also 2 adult Mediterranean Gulls (MC), also a 1st-winter Mediterranean Gull & a drake Shoveler (DS).

BALLYSHUNNOCK RESERVOIR: 1cy Mediterranean Gull, 1cy Scaup & 33 Whooper Swans (").

HELVICK HEAD: SIBERIAN CHIFFCHAFF again at Greyhound garden around 12.15  & still calling a lot, then disappeared after rain shower. Also Clouded Yellow, Painted Lady & 3 Red Admirals in area (CF), 5 Chiffchaffs, Swallow,Stock Dove & Hummingbird Hawk-moth (JAP).

DUNGARVAN:  Male & female Shoveler in Western Bay, Red Admiral at pitch & putt club (").

CLONEA:   Red Admiral at Clonea, Painted Lady at Ballinard & Ballinclamper (").

ARDMORE:  1st-winter White Wagtail at Curragh (NJB).
TRAMORE: Adult winter BONAPARTE'S GULL at Boating Lake, on grass by Splashworld at edge of lake, 1200; GLOSSY IBIS at Clohernagh; 4 Whooper Swans & 8 Gadwall at Lisselan (MC).

HELVICK HEAD: SIBERIAN CHIFFCHAFF this morning in Greyhound garden, calling strongly (CF).

CARRIGNAGOUR (nr Lismore): first Redwing of autumn here, slightly late, also a Fieldfare (ADM).

Saturday, November 01, 2014

TRAMORE BACKSTRAND:  Snow Bunting at Lisselan, east end of seawall at 12:50 (AJ).

HELVICK HEAD:  'Blue' Fulmar (seawatch 08:40-09:10); Pomarine Skua, Great Skua, 2 Arctic Skuas & 11 Manx Shearwaters (seawatch 11:40-13:15); 3+ Blackcaps & 8+ Chiffchaffs on land (CF).
BLACKWATER VALLEY: 100+ Whooper Swans at Camphire (ADM).
HELVICK PIER: Hybrid Carrion x Hooded Crow, chased through by Jackdaw. Flew W (CF).