KNOCKADERRY RESERVOIR: 2 drake RING-NECKED DUCKS, 2 Gadwall & 24 Tufted Ducks (MC).
TRAMORE BACKSTRAND: Spotted Redshank & 2nd-w Mediterranean Gull in front of McCarthy Fuels (SpotRed flew south to saltmarsh near beach), 2nd-w Mediterranean Gull at Saleen (").
CLONEA: Purple Sandpiper at Ballinclamper (").
HELVICK: Red-throated Diver (").
ARDMORE: Male Common Scoter on sea off Curragh strand, 2nd-w Mediterranean Gull at Ardmore (").
WHITING BAY: 3 Tree Sparrows at Moord (").
BLACKWATER VALLEY: 2 Stock Doves at Clashmore Broads, 2 Red Squirrels near Newport East (").